Hikvision CCTV Technologies Explained: Low light cameras and sensors

Hikvision are always pushing the boundary to bring better performing cameras to the market at an impressive price point although the array of technologies can be confusing, so we have tried to explain things in as simple a manner as possible.

(Our existing blog post regarding 4k cameras can make for an interesting initial read: https://www.cctvkits.co.uk/blog/4k-cctv-the-marketing-bandwagon-producing-poor-cctv-cameras/)

DarkFighter – Ultra 5 series (4mp in Colour until: 0.002 Lux then Infra Red)

It’s all about being better in low light, a bigger image sensor and lens as well as software algorithm such as the DS-2CD5A46G1-IZ – these also have a full selection of connectivity options for professional installations.

‘Powered’ by DarkFighter (4mp in Colour until: 0.008 Lux then Infra Red)

The ‘budget’ DarkFighter series – bigger lens + algorithm but not the bigger sensor so only a slight improvement over a non-dark fighter camera.  (Powered by series includes the DS-2CD2T45FWD-I)

ColourVu (4mp in Colour until:  0.0014 Lux then White light assistance)

An extremely exciting new release providing the bigger sensor of the DarkFighter series and an a wide open lens – a range dedicated to being superb in low light and remaining in colour at all times while at an affordable cost – however a white light will be visible when it’s really dark rather than a more subtle Infra-Red glow, which may be a deal breaker for some. View the range here.

DarkFighter X (Colour: 0.001 Lux)

The king of the low light cameras – a premium offering featuring dual image sensors. A limited choice of high end cameras only.


“The LightFighter series delivers crystal-clear images with true color reproduction in brightly lit or high contrast environments” – thanks to ultra-high 140 dB WDR technology (so here you have very bright and very dark areas it works well). Once a separate series, this technology is now included as standard in the 5 line series of Darkfighter cameras and upwards mentioned earlier (the new Hik website lets you filter by 140dB).

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